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'If you need love, I beg of you, find it elsewhere. 'I am your father and that woman in there you insulted with your rude burp is your mother,' father says to eldest son Tim (Will Forte). Madly in love, they only have eyes for one another. 'Their greatness passed down from generation to generation like their magnificent facial hair,' says the narrator, 'until this one.' Enter the youngest son (Martin Short) and his new bride (Jane Krakowski). The family has a long and distinguished legacy of tradition, invention, creativity and courage. Get over it, yeah.' - the story takes place at the Willoughby mansion, a home tucked away between two skyscrapers, hidden from the modern world. Narrated by Ricky Gervais - 'I'm the narrator. Yet somehow, a happy ending and a lesson or two always emerge from the chaos.

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Based on a book by Lois Lowry, 'The Willoughbys,' a new animated film now available on Netflix, is a parody of 'old fashioned' classic children's stories where terrible things happen, babies are abandoned, long-lost relatives show up and nannies look after the kids.

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